This Working Group will be assigned with the task of examining the compatibility of the EOSC with relevant national structures and initiatives.
The institution of EOSC demands its alignment with a number of existing initiatives (e.g. e-infrastructure, national open science policies etc) that play a crucial role in the national level and constitute part of the European e-science and research infrastructure.
The identification of current initiatives both at the level of the MS and EU, particularly in relation to H2020 projects is crucial for the success of EOSC.
Surveying Data Provisioning Procedures
The Working Group will survey the procedures regulating the provisioning of data research services from infrastructures and initiatives operating in an international scale.
Rules for Interoperability
The Working Group will also propose practices that will help facilitate a set of common rules in order to achieve interoperability.
The Working Group will work towards enabling the harmonization of EOSC core competencies with other selected projects.
Additionally, this WG will be commissioned to conduct an analysis of the Member State’s level of preparedness to provide financial resources and support for political stability and infrastructural planning to EOSC.
The work of this group, is finally expected to highlight a number of suitable mechanisms that will facilitate the gradual alignment of EOSC standards with other thematically linked initiatives, and consequently help exploit synergies that will successively lead to a cost-effective mode of operation.
It is advised that this Working Group will operate in close communication with EOSC Secretariat's Working Groups 1,3,4 due to the overlapping nature of their research. The regular exchange of research findings among the groups will lead to an integral completion of the groups’ work and will provide a more holistic approach regarding their outcomes on EOSC establishment.