This Working Group will be assigned with the task of providing recommendations on how to coordinate existing activities that have already implemented FAIR data principles and FAIR data management with the EOSC environment.
Proposing Specifications
Furthermore, the WG’s work will extend to proposing a variety of specifications, practices and tools, that will be applicable across different scientific disciplines.
This will help entities modify their data according to FAIR data principles and suggest a set of criteria that will:
a) supplement EOSC Rules of Participation;
b) provide a tool of picking solutions that are applied to a disciplinary level being upscaled to a multidisciplinary level; and
c) facilitate the gradual EOSC compliance with FAIR principles.
High-Impact, High-Feasibility Actions for FAIR Implementation
Additionally, the WG will contribute in highlighting a set of actions to assist the prioritization of high-impact and high-feasibility goals like:
- The development of an EOSC Interoperability Framework that will overarch other transdisciplinary interoperability frameworks aiming to increase their coherence and promote the idea that research infrastructures and cross-border/disciplinary services should be designed to be interoperable.
- Establishing a common policy of EOSC persistent unique identifiers to guarantee resilience and resolvability.
- Setting up a FAIR certification scheme referring to data repositories.
- Composing a catalogue of updated, FAIR certified and accessible repositories.
The proposed group of actions - as part of the annual EOSC work phan - will be based on the Report and the Action Plan proposed by the EC Expert Group “Turning FAIR into reality”, the status of ongoing initiatives and a gap analysis that the group will conduct for that purpose.
For the accomplishment of the best possible outcome described in the tasks above, this WG should comprise of actors belonging to the data service provider institutions, FAIR data expert group, research communities, data stewards and the body of funding stakeholders.