This Working Group will focus on establishing and refining the Rules of Participation (RoP) regarding the different EOSC stakeholders. A well-rounded approach for the RoP demands the identification of the main topics of interest that must be covered, and the establishment of key principles that will solidify a fundamental base for the requirements needed to participate to EOSC.
The RoP are approached as a regulatory tool that fosters EOSC’s growth rate and achievement of its core objectives.
Balancing EOSC quality assurance with openness
The group will take into account the diverse roles of infrastructures and service providers that will compose the EOSC environment; map their established practices and needs; assess their maturity level; and, finally, propose how the RoP boundaries will not be set rigidly yet at the same time ensuring the desirable quality of services provided into EOSC.
Capitalise on past efforts
The Working Group (WG) will build on the existing work regarding RoP that was carried out for EOSCpilot.
The group will also take into account the RoP recommendations that EOSC High Level Expert Group has commissioned in its final report.
Due to the nature of this research, it is advised that all other WG’s should also contribute to the progress by providing to WG 5 findings that overlap with this working task.