Specifically, EOSCsecretariat.eu addresses the need for the set-up of an operational framework supporting the overall Governance of the EOSC.
Led by a lean consortium of experienced and complementary partners, the project maintains a practical approach to address all the specific needs of the coordination structure expected by the EOSC.
Furthermore, it retains a high degree of flexibility in its roll-out plan by adopting a co-creation approach, founded on a substantial budget left available for all upcoming, foreseen and unforeseen, challenges of introducing a truly operational open science cloud serving all European stakeholders.
EOSCsecretariat.eu adopts an optimal implementation in terms of coordinating approach, line-up of partners and allocation of budget for co-creation. It is also characterised by being neutral towards the community it is serving and by having a pragmatic approach that is fully dedicated to realising the outcomes of the EOSC design as stated by the Staff Working Document and adopted council conclusions.
Guiding Principles
Transparent. Efficient. Competent.
Following detailed consideration of the H2020 call’s objectives and of the expectations of the research community and policy makers for an operational, independent, and yet inclusive approach, we have assembled a consortium to support the EOSC Governance in channelling messages to the stakeholders and following up on implementation through the EOSCsecretariat.eu.
The efficient, effective and transparent delivery of the EOSCsecretariat.eu is guaranteed through the overall coordination by Technopolis Group, an organisation with no vested interests in the EOSC decision-making bodies and Working Groups.
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